I planned to write about new releases, read-a-louds for teachers for the fall... but instead, I spent the majority of my Sunday morning/early afternoon struggling to keep my second grader “on task” with her homework. Even as a parent, educator, and librarian I have difficulty masking my own desire to insert a “big yawn” when the word homework is mentioned. Learning is fun; homework: NEVER fun. Hmm.. I began to think- how can I motivate my child to see the value of homework, and perhaps even begin to have fun with homework? The first thing which popped into my mind was to make a game out of it, put on my “silly hat” and begin to entertain my child... but... then the realistic “facts of life” side of me decided otherwise, and so I turned to my trusty helpers- books. What great books where the main character masters homework could I find? Here is a list of books (mostly read-a-louds) designed to help a parent, tutor, teacher, or mentor conquer the daily homework struggle, all through the motivation of stories...
Zip, Zip…Homework by Nancy Poydar
Mama Rex & T: Homework Trouble by Rachel Vail & Steve Bjorkman
Time for School, Mouse! by Laura Joffe Numeroff
Dragons do eat homework by Marcia Thornton Jones
Preiss-Glasser and Ted Enik
Helping Hand Books: Emily’s First Day at School by Sarah Dutchess of
ALL of these authors have been guests at Book Expo